Sunday, January 30, 2011

The New Gospels of In-Pella, Kad:2

An excerpt from The New Gospels of In-Pella, from the Book of Kader, chapter 2.

2:10     And as the time of the Conqueror neared, the people were able to sense the steps of his approach through the mists of time, and they were afraid.

2:11     And the fear overcame them, and one by one, they began to leave the lands of Sathad behind, abandoning farms and villages and shops, taking with them only what they needed to survive.

2:12     Now to the west of Sathad lay the Empire of Sathad-Zin, which was a land of giants, and so large were the giants that the walls of their cities reached high into the sky.

2:13     And the worshipers of Sathad said that the Sathad-Zin were gods descended from Paradise Valley, but the people of Abbadar worshiped them not.

2:14     Mighty were the works of the giants, and strong was their rule, for they were masters of fire and water and sky, and with them fought the bird-men of the air.

2:15     Here Kellmas said, “This is our new home, for the Sathad-Zin are strong enough indeed to repel the Conqueror in all his might, when he comes.”

2:16     But the twin Oracles, Levrin the boy and Larsa his twin sister, stood before their people and said, “This is no place of safety, for when the Conqueror comes, he will surely come also to Sathad-Zin.”

2:17     And Kellmas was old, and he had walked far, and he had abandoned even his wife to escape the fear of the coming Conqueror, and foolishly he ignored the words of the Oracle twins, and he said, “To come hither I have walked many miles, and I can go no further.  Let the Conqueror come, though I be consumed in fear.”

2:18     But many people heard the words of the Oracle twins, and they knew that they had been doubly blessed by Chimata, for they were two spirits combined, just as was the God Himself, and he had given them foresight unparalleled.

2:19     “Let us follow the Oracles of Chimata, young though they are,” said the people.  “For they have the wisdom of Chimata Himself.  Lead us, Oracles, though the way be very long.”

2:20     “Whether the way is short or long, we cannot see,” said the twins, “for our eyes are on the distant future.  When we come to a place where the Conqueror dares to come not, there we shall abide a while.”

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